Agenda items: Week Two
Day One: 1. I want to read and conference with you about your "Letter to the Counselor." 2. While you are waiting for your conference, I want you to partner up and work on Microsoft Word, specifically, I want you to learn how to properly format a quote for advanced practice. Here's what I want. I want each of you to pretend that you are 25 years later in life and that you are at THE HIGHEST LEVEL of your CAREER. I want to you to say something "supah smaht" in that career field and I want your partner to quote from it. Sample: Miguel Yanagihara, my film colleague, indicated the following: "Lynchian's dynamics of light and dark really serve or undergird an overwhelmingly Manichean scope of the universe, one that is constructed via the polemnics of light and dark" (01). I am trying to teach you some of the stylistic elements of "academese," which is like another language. 3. I want you to finish as much as possible of Thin...