
Showing posts from September, 2017

9-11 Week Agenda Items

Day One. 0.  Use in-class time to finish your Focus-2* (see below) so that you do not waste time. 1.  Write a one-paragraph analysis about your Focus-2 results.  Prompt: Discuss if you agree or disagree with your Focus 2 Career Assessment. 2.  Write out your topic sentences for your PIE paragraphs  (lecture notes) now that you comprehend them better. * Focus Career 2 This is a computerized career assessment instrument that allows you to assess your interests, values, and skills; explore and analyze occupations based on your interests, values, and personality type. It also provides information on over 1200 careers and national job market information. FOCUS-2 is a self-paced career guidance tool designed to help you discover and explore career options that match your interests, personality, values and skills. Instructions Log-in  and create your own account Access Code:   kamber3 ...

Agenda Items: Week Three

Day One: 1.  Make sure your Letter to the Counselor is polished and ready.  Before the end of September is finished, please personally spend time actively counseling with your counselor.  One of the GREATEST things you can do during this meeting is to show engagement and to actively document / record / take notes on what you learn. Later, when you get to your essay's descriptive section, you can do things like this: Gemma Williams, a counselor I met at the Maida Kamber center, indicating the following to me: "For now, you might like to A) __________; B) __________, and C) ____________ regarding your major."  Based on what my counselor stated, I would like to actively...... If your grade is hovering at a 70C- or lower, you may want to use Office Hours or Emergency Study Hall at the Study Hub.   2.  Go over salary templates Establish your baseline salary. 3.  I want to see a working OUTLINE for your Career Essay ...